Rene Labs

Circles Verified

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Rethinking How People Meet

Venue is a mobile app that allows you to define public and private social circles in your communities. You can post things to do, called “Venues”, to Circles you’re part of and allow people to ask to join.

With Venue, you can do fun things while making new friends with people like you!


Join Social Circles

You can join or create Social Circles on Venue. An example of this is creating an apartment building social club to start making friends with people in your building!

Another example of a Circle is “Young D.C. Nightlife”, where users can find parties, pregames, and brunches to join in their city.


 Host and Attend Venues

Have a Venue idea? Just post it to Circles you’re part of and have people request to join you. Of those who apply, you can choose who attends.

Likewise, you can request to join an interesting Venue with your friends.

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Attend as a Group

Create a “Group” with your close friends to attend or host a Venue together. This lets hosts and other attendees know who you’re attending with.
